How to Do a Video Edit on Video Star

Cómo utilizar Video Star

How to use Video Star

How to use Video Star

You are a lover of social media and often during your free time you like make videos with music and effects to later share them on the video sharing platforms you use. That's why when your friends told you about Video Star, an application that allows you to make videos With photos, music, effects, filters and transactions, you couldn't contain your enthusiasm. Then you wonder how to use Video Staras you would like to know how to make the most of all its features.

How do you say? Is this really the case? in this case, I will put you at ease immediately: you just found the right tutorial and at the right time! In the course of this guide, in fact, I will explain in detail how to download Video Star on iOS (it is not available at the moment in Android), and I will show you, step by step, how all its features work, so you can master them. to make videos.

Are you curious to know more? So come on: sit back and take your iPhone or iPad. Follow the instructions that I am about to give you with the greatest attention and you will see that, in a short time, you will know how to put your creativity in motion to create videos really attractive. I wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!

  • How to download Video Star
  • How to use Video Star
    • Select the backing track
    • Record or import a video
    • Edit a recorded or imported video
    • Save and share videos
    • Other useful tips

Table of Contents

  • 1 How to download Video Star
  • 2 How to use Video Star
    • 2.1 Select the backing track
    • 2.2 Record or import a video
    • 2.3 Edit a recorded or imported video
    • 2.4 Save and share videos
    • 2.5 Other useful tips

How to download Video Star

Before we tell you how to use Video star, First I must show you the steps you need to correctly download this free application, which at the moment is only available for iPhone and iPad.

First, start the App Store of iOS by pressing on its icon located on the home screen (it is blue and has the symbol of a stylized "A" in the center), then press the button Search located in the bar below, to locate the application in question, writing its name.

Once done, to install Video Star, press the button Get placed in your correspondence and then install it, confirming your identity through the Face ID, Touch ID or password for your iCloud account. At the end of the automatic download, start the application by pressing the button Opens or touch its icon that you will find added to the home screen of your iPhone or iPad.

How to use Video Star

Video star is an application that is used to create videos with music and effects. It is free but optionally offers the subscription of a subscription ( Universal pass ) used to unlock all present and future filters and effects. The subscription price is € 5,49 for a month ( Bronze pass ), € 13,99 for three months ( Silver pass ) and € 31,99 for one year ( Golden pass ).

The subscription is automatically renewed, unless it is canceled at least 24 hours before its expiration. Alternatively, you can optionally purchase individual filter and effect packs through the Power Pack Store : the latter are priced from € 1,09.

That said, over the course of the next chapters of this tutorial, I'll explain how to use Video Star to record or import a video, how to edit it with the available filters and effects, and also how to save and share the videos you've made. Finally, I will also give you some useful tips so that you can better master the multiple functions of the application.

Select the backing track

To start using Video star you must first record or import a video on the timeline. After starting the application, to do this, press the button capacitor positive (+) lead located in the upper right corner, and from the menu that appears, select the video format that best suits your needs.

Now press the button Select song, if you want to choose the backing track from those available, then move on to the movie recording phase. Alternatively, if you want to import a movie present in your device memory, press Edit video, select the movie of your interest and then press thebutton. Create video. In this case, to know how to use the editing tools, jump to the chapter where I explain how to do it.

After pressing the button Select song, choose the song you prefer by touching it and confirm your choice by pressing the button Create video. If you wish, you can use the Songs purchased from iTunes: To do this, press the music note icon. Alternatively, click the icon video camera, to use the audio from a video stored in the memory of your device.

In the latter case, after choosing the movie from which to extrapolate the audio, set the end and start times of the music using the buttons Select boot es Set end and change the playback speed ( Change speed ). When you are satisfied with the final result, press the button. Create video to confirm.

Record or import a video

After selecting the backing track, you will be shown the timeline of the backing track. Video star. Now, touch the item Record a video, located on the right, to record a movie on the spot. On the other hand, press the voice Import Video to import a movie stored in the memory of your device. Via button Import photos, you can also make a video with photos and music by importing images from the application Gallery from iOS.

If you have chosen to record a video on the spot, your device's front camera will launch and you can apply filters and effects in real time. Do you want to record a video through the rear camera? No problem: press gear icon in the upper left, and then tap video camera icon. In this section you can also adjust the options related to Countdown and to recording speed. With the rear camera you can also adjust the zoom ( 1X o 2X ).

Before you start recording, press stopwatch icon if you want to activate hitch-hiking which automatically stops recording: then drag the cursor on the timeline and press the button Tax, to select the exact minute recording should stop automatically.

Then select the filters and effects to apply: some you can see in the menu below, others by pressing the button capacitor positive (+) lead. After identifying the one you are interested in, tap on it to apply it. Now to start recording, click the button Record located at the bottom left, then wait for the registration to finish (if you have configured the hitch-hiking ) or press the button Stop to stop it manually.

The recorded video will be visible on the main screen of the application. Video star ; then press the ( X ) in the upper right to exit the recording mode and play the recorded video by pressing the (▶ ︎) button.

Edit a recorded or imported video

Have you recorded a video and now want to edit it, or do you want to edit a video that you imported into Video Star? In that case, carefully follow the steps that I indicate in the following lines.

To edit a video recorded or imported into Video star, select it on the main application screen and then touch scissors icon located in the menu below. Now press music note icon if you want to adjust the backing track via the functions Switch tone (alter audio), BIPPA (apply predefined sounds) or Audio fades (applies a fade).

If, on the other hand, you want to edit the video, press the button. Edit and select one of the many proposed functions by touching it, depending on the change you want to make to the movie: Copy (copy the video), Catch (paste the previously copied video), Merge scenes (allows you to merge multiple videos added to the timeline via the button agg )., Quick division scene (used to split the video), Multiple division scene (split the video into several parts), Delete scene (in case of multiple videos, remove the last one added).

The other Video Star features you can use are those visible by tapping the item New : Record a video (used to re-record the video or part of it), Import videos (used to import a video to the timeline), Edit clip (apply additional filters and effects to your movie), Re-effect clip (allows you to modify the filters previously applied), Transform clip (add special effects to video), Mix clip (in case of adding multiple videos, it is used to combine them and add transitions between them), Multi-level clip (In case of adding more videos, it is another tool that is used to combine them).

Then use all the mentioned tools to edit the video according to your personal taste, experimenting freely and creatively.

Save and share videos

After editing a video with Video Star, you can save it to your device memory or share it in another app. To continue, select the movie on the main screen of the application and press share icon located in the lower menu (the symbol of a square with an up arrow ).

Now, in the menu that appears, press the item Send to a Camera roll If you want to save the movie to your device's default media gallery (the Gallery of iOS). Alternatively, press the voices When submitting to YouTube, Send to Instagram, Send to TikTok, Email, if you want to export the movie and share it on the Youtube, Instagram o Tik Tok on your device or to send it by email.

Other useful tips

Video star it is video editing application advanced and as you have read in this guide of mine, it takes some time to master using all its features. In this sense, if something is not clear to you, you can consult the tutorial integrated in the application that, through special videos, provides some practical examples of use of the main functions available.

To access the tutorials, press the icon (?) located in the Video Star main menu, then tap the items Tutorial and user tutorial, to see, respectively, all the videos recorded by the developers of the application and also those created by the users.

Also, when accessing the screen of a specific function, you can find the button (he) which, once pressed, allows you to read the advice on its use. Then pressing the button Tutorial, if present, you can watch the related video tutorial.

How to Do a Video Edit on Video Star


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