How to Study for Boards in 10 Days

Small efforts are enough if applied technically...

Small efforts are enough if applied technically...

Regardless of how often you take exams, they are often very frustrating. Remember, thinking of failure will often lead to failure. You need to change your attitude first.

Test preparation includes a number of things that lead up to you sitting in for the actual exam. Here are some tips on what you can do to ensure success on your next test.

Good luck!

Most students don't really think about what their limits are. When we don't know what to do, it's useless to think about how to prepare.

First and foremost, you should be gathering your course outline and materials. Make sure that you have all the required books and your notes in front of you. If you don't have great notes, ask a peer if they're willing to help you out by lending you theirs. Before you can succeed, you at least need to have the opportunity to do so and in order for that to happen you'll need resources. The more you have your weapons prepared, the higher your chances are of winning the battle.

If you hesitate to say "I can win," you're only hindering yourself from winning. It doesn't cost you anything to say and believe that, so go ahead—make sure that at the core of your beliefs, you know you'll win. It's important that before you actually prepare for the exams themselves, you believe you'll be able to get through them. The stronger your determination, the stronger your final results will be.

Don't think about your previous failures. If your determination is strong, anything is possible. Don't think about words like can't, fail, and impossible. Say out loud, "this is possible!" Believe in yourself.

I was a former med student, so you can imagine what my course load was like. It was the lengthiest and toughest among all the degree and graduate programs. Regardless of your concentration or program, you'll get through it. I did.

Make sure you give yourself 7-10 days and if you properly study and are focused, you'll be able to successfully get through the test. Have faith in God and trust in your abilities. When you have a plate full of rice, you take it in by the spoonful. Not all at once. The same concept applies to your exam studies. Divide the workload among those 10 days equally and commit to the load you've assigned yourself on each given day. This helps to break your huge course into small, digestible pieces. Now, it is easier to get through.

While studying, you'll definitely come across many irrelevant facts and pieces of information that will likely not be tested. While going the extra mile is great in life and in one's career, it's not necessary in these 10 days of studying. I've always been a student who was just fair in academics. In other words, I preferred to focus on things outside of the books but this attitude must be avoided.

Make sure that you focus only on what's going to be tested. You have to be very specific and to-the-point. Many of the problems we incur in our educational career arise because we create them ourselves. Focus only on what is important and relevant, and forget the rest.

It's a crucial time and you'll need to prioritize your time. Fun may have to be delayed for now.

Set your phone on silent mode and stop the usual wasteful texting. Don't waste time watching your usual movies and TV shows, and only listen to songs if they help you study. Parties are fun, but they'll need to wait until your exams are over—you have far more important things to achieve in this period. Promise your friends that they'll see you more after this 10-day study period. This time is crucial in all aspects. Don't waste it on activities that can hurt your grades.

Lastly, don't forget to breathe! The oxygen will help calm you and is de-stressing.

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No, it's not possible. Your desire to do so might be just your nervous system firing off. You're pumped and hyper, and your entire body increases its metabolism almost tenfold. If this is the situation, it is nearly impossible to carry on with your whole course of subjects. You must control your present situation to study, because once your nervous system suspects overactivity, it increases the secretion of neurotransmitters that makes you ready for fight and flight. This may seem like a good thing, but the tradeoff is that there may be a degeneration of memory and creativity. That could lead to the moment of real destruction—imagine sitting in the test hall and not remembering anything, despite just reading about it the night before.

It's all about your attitude, and you'll need to pace yourself and try to remain calm. Cool-minded average students score higher than really tense, above average students. You have a choice here, believe me! You can do it. Just relax.

Good luck!

General Instructions for Preparation

  1. Take care of your personal health and hygiene.
  2. Sleep well and rest up. Remember, "Rest is best for the test!"
  3. Study periodically, and consider the exam period as a "natural event" of life.
  4. Be social. Sometimes, a comforting friend helps more than any book.
  5. If you have too much leisurely time on your hands and are depressed, remember that you have other things to focus on.

If your score is in between 70-90%, don't get too happy now. You still want to strive for improvement.

If it's below 70%, then you must concentrate more on the points mentioned in this article.

Those students scoring more than 90% in this quiz should contact me ASAP, because I want to learn from you!

Calculate Your Percentage of Attitude in Exams Here!

For each question, choose the best answer for you.

  1. I start preparation of exams usually,
    • Before 10 days
    • During academic days
    • Before 2 days
    • I don't prepare that, my exams went on Imagination.
  2. In my sense, the requirement for best results in exams,
    • Surplus amount of knowledge
    • Lasting Determination
    • Group study with friends
    • Semester results based on luck
  3. In my perspective, excessive thinking of failure leads to:
    • Better results in semesters
    • Failure
    • Energetic behavior
  4. In my thinking, Being social in preparation:
    • Increases Knowledge
    • Decreases concentration
    • Ruin my preparation schedule
    • Make me confident to face my challenge
  5. After exams exams, my plan is:
    • Doing fun activities with friends
    • Help others with my experience and knowledge
    • Sleep deep in the valleys
    • Preparation of next semesters


Use the scoring guide below to add up your total points based on your answers.

  1. I start preparation of exams usually,
    • Before 10 days: +3 points
    • During academic days: +5 points
    • Before 2 days: +2 points
    • I don't prepare that, my exams went on Imagination.: -2 points
  2. In my sense, the requirement for best results in exams,
    • Surplus amount of knowledge: +2 points
    • Lasting Determination: +4 points
    • Group study with friends: +2 points
    • Semester results based on luck: -2 points
  3. In my perspective, excessive thinking of failure leads to:
    • Better results in semesters: -2 points
    • Failure: +5 points
    • Energetic behavior: -1 point
  4. In my thinking, Being social in preparation:
    • Increases Knowledge: +2 points
    • Decreases concentration: -1 point
    • Ruin my preparation schedule: -2 points
    • Make me confident to face my challenge: +3 points
  5. After exams exams, my plan is:
    • Doing fun activities with friends: +2 points
    • Help others with my experience and knowledge: +5 points
    • Sleep deep in the valleys: +0 points
    • Preparation of next semesters: +1 point

Interpreting Your Score

A score between -8 and 1 means: ?

A score between 2 and 10 means: ?

A score between 11 and 16 means: ?

A score between 17 and 19 means: ?

A score between 20 and 22 means: ?

Shrutika dhamale on February 23, 2020:

My ssc board exam is starting from 4 march my target is 80 % how can is study faster with full concentration

arjunomkaravula on February 21, 2020:

i want pian do not start perparing ple help

pranav on February 20, 2020:

Wow i just scored 0%

king on February 17, 2020:

i got 99 percent

Divya on February 15, 2020:


sreedhar on February 11, 2020:

i got 96 %

im kinda happy it self

Sakshi Pandya on February 02, 2020:

Really scared for board exams and need to be motivated

ruzzy on January 31, 2020:

i scored 81 yayyy!!!!!

Samuel on January 02, 2020:

I just scored 77%

Amit on October 08, 2019:

I have selected the true statement ,but i only scored 9℅

Arun shukla on July 07, 2019:

Woo that's was awesome

Arpitha K on June 01, 2019:

just 68%

Sujata Sarkar on April 30, 2019:

I got 63%

tatiana on April 24, 2019:

got a 0% WOW

Tanuja Behera on April 17, 2019:

I got 77% in this quiz

divyanjali mudili on April 01, 2019:

this is really very helpful gave me some confidence for my exams

Emperor on March 08, 2019:

81 percent

Mahima on March 06, 2019:

I am just afraid of my board exams

This gave me little confidence

Sk. Nagulshareef on March 04, 2019:

I have no doubts

Boss Lady on March 03, 2019:

Thanks this helped a lot.

Navya shree on March 03, 2019:

I am study in 10th standard l will not prepare for social exam please help me l don't understand social chapters please help me

Apoorva on February 25, 2019:

I got just 4% in the quiz

Amrita Parida on February 18, 2019:

I got 22% in your Quiz. Is it bad, in anyway?

akash on February 16, 2019:

Please share your WhatsApp number so I can consult regularly

Rithi on February 16, 2019:

I scored 90%

yuvraj on February 15, 2019:

i got 95 percent in your quis

Nitika on February 15, 2019:

I like ur suggestions

Anu on January 31, 2019:

Hw can i get marks above 460 ??in inter 1st year .but iam forgetting wt am studying . Hw do i remem

Shambhavi on January 31, 2019:

Yes i scored 100%

Anju on January 27, 2019:

Starting of the season my father teach me math nd science but in October he died i lives in small village there is no teacher my exams is very near nd i don't have any preparation plz tell m how can i study that i achieve my goal

Anju on January 27, 2019:

Starting of the season my father teach me math nd science but in October he died i lives in small village there is no teacher my exams is very near nd i don't have any preparation plz tell m how can i study that i achieve my goal

Bhavya on December 27, 2018:

Now l am away from my school and books l am student of 10 my grand father died l came to l useing mobile phone for there any other option to study?please help me?

Giriraj on December 25, 2018:

I hope it would helpful to me .I will again comment after performance in exam

sd.nazneen on December 24, 2018:

thank you so much.that quiz really motivated me

Bhargab hazarika on December 13, 2018:

I scored 100

Ambesh jaiswal on November 26, 2018:

I am fail in supplimentry science exam class 10 how I pass in this year help me

Iqbal Raza on November 17, 2018:

I'm gonna following your instructions

INSHALLAH LINUS on October 22, 2018:


Divya Reddy on October 10, 2018:

Thank you very much. this has been helped me a lot. really good and to be appreciated.I can say just heartful thanks for this instructions.

Firdous on October 10, 2018:

Sir today on 10th of oct i read your unreachable most ipresable sugestion and i will try my best i have 18 days left for my examination of 10th. And i will see the fruit of your suggestion... As i will comment back after my exams. Thankx.

Primrose on October 06, 2018:

Thank u for ur article it has really helped me n l now believe in my self that l can write my exams

Stella on October 01, 2018:

I got 77%....


My exams start on the 18th of October and end on 7th October @ 5pm

Official end for my class is on the 9th October!!!!

Sanya on September 15, 2018:

Thank you somuch for this article!

Despite only being a student of 8th grade, I have always been extremely tense in my exam preparation. Althought this year I majorly procrastinated studying and at a point of time realized that only 10 days were left for my exam. I, of course, seeked help from the internet YET AGAIN and was luck enough to find this article. I got a surprising 96.44%! I am SO very grateful to you for writing this article. Thanks again.

Pooja dinkar on August 31, 2018:

My exams is coming after 10 days i want to prepare myself, this instructions is very helpful for me. So, thankyou for instructions

Goutam on August 17, 2018:

Thx i will try my best to score well

Alphamax7700 on July 04, 2018:

I got 86% on your quiz.. but i doubt if i can pass my exam, given there were only 12 days left and there were over 3000 pages of material to understand..

Anny on June 15, 2018:

I have one problem my exam is coming very near only 9 days how I will prepare for my exam

Lhamu on June 10, 2018:

Thanks a lot.. for providing such a great suggestion.

aparna on June 04, 2018:

hope it will work

Meera on May 31, 2018:

Thanks a lot sir I study in grade 7 ..... just needed some motivation an you have provided me that .

When I first tried I got 81%

And the second time 95%

Thanks a lot

Nanami on May 31, 2018:


Thanks alit

I am A pu student

In 2018 sslc exam I got


I need to try better is wht I learnt

Nadia Dolan on May 20, 2018:

i got 50%. I'm doomed

Deepika on May 11, 2018:

I am a re-attempter for Cpt now it's my 2nd attempt I am doing it with bcom actually my basement for math is very weak so math seems difficult to me can I have some suggestions for clearing this attempt

Rishabh Verma on May 08, 2018:

i have just have a score of passing let see what will happened next in the future

thanks for this motivational speech at last1!!!!!!!

Priya on May 07, 2018:

I got 8 points in +1 im trying to get 10 points in betterment how can i avoid tv

Ramya on May 04, 2018:

Im not able to study... N my exams are near..... How to avoid mobile phone during study hours... Im addicted a lottt to Mobile.... How to get rid of this?

Rutendo Masombo on May 03, 2018:

It was of great help to me because I am now towards writing my exams.Thank you very much

maedy on May 03, 2018:

thank you your article is helping

memory muzavazi on May 03, 2018:

interesting to know hey

Nuzhat on May 02, 2018:

10 days left

Us doll on May 01, 2018:

I got 45 %

prajwal gupta on April 27, 2018:

thanks for motivating us

Ishmael on April 21, 2018:

I got 86.

Rohit on March 27, 2018:

i got 22%

charudatta pawar on March 13, 2018:

i got only 91.23% in the exam i m too sad

Arka on March 09, 2018:

77% only

len on March 08, 2018:

27% I'm doomed

Gaya 3 on March 05, 2018:

I'm 10th now I'll try my best to get 10/10 in public (I'm ssc AP)

prachi joshi on March 02, 2018:

i got 95 % .....

atufa zainab on February 28, 2018:

i get 22% in ur quiz lets see what will happen

HSK on February 27, 2018:

I have scored 100! "Your determination when your failure is your attitude towards success"

Yash on February 25, 2018:

I got 90 percent in quiz...yes I can do it!

tanishka on February 25, 2018:

let me try

gargi trivedi on February 22, 2018:

thank you so much.....

Reuben on February 17, 2018:

Don't know what the hell is going to happen in my exams

ATHAR on February 16, 2018:

i am worried about day of exam

Juhi dubey on February 15, 2018:

Not that confident on my preparation. A bit worried

vaishnavi h s on February 15, 2018:

how to prepare for board exam within 20 days??

Mukesh Ambani on February 13, 2018:

I have 20 days left for board exams and have a very bad study habit. I keep getting distracted of my mobile and laptop since all my notes are in a few websites. I open a new tab and watch youtube when my parents are not around. C an someone help me

Venkatesh nayak on February 13, 2018:

How to prepare for an exam in only 15 days? Please give me helpfull tips

bannu on February 12, 2018:


ipsita parida on February 09, 2018:

how to prepare for sst in 12 days for very week students.

Yogesh on February 08, 2018:

How I prepare for my exam in 16 days in 7 subjects

yash gupta on February 07, 2018:

thank u sir/mam, now i am confident on my self, and i have determined to score more than 90% . I scored 98% in your test that was also a confidence booster

sohail khan on February 05, 2018:

it is very helpful to me because when my exams are on my head then i usually get nervous and cannot study at all

but now i will be calm and cool minded

Tony on February 05, 2018:

Thanks Sir/mam

Your post did boost my inner consciousness and made me know that I'm capable of getting above 90.

Thanks really valuable

Snj on February 04, 2018:

Excellent! usefull post..

Khawahish on February 03, 2018:

I scored 95 percent

Lipu sahoo on January 31, 2018:

Thank you sir for your valuable post, but I need a help to you. I want to increase my knowledge about philosophy, and also be a topper in philosophy department in my college. So what should I do??

Jaddu manu on January 30, 2018:

I scored 100%

Aditya on January 24, 2018:

Only 1 month left i haven't studied anything...I think i'm gonna fail my HS exam.

balu on January 16, 2018:

Nice article ........

I think I should try my level best........,

Brij Bhushan on January 15, 2018:

Wonderful Article. This Article information is very beneficial for me. Thanks for sharing.

sahana on January 13, 2018:

it was really helpful and motivating

This is ..priya on January 05, 2018:

Your article is very helpful...

Its build good enthusiasm in me

So thank you

Aqsa on December 25, 2017:

Thank you for your articles

It's very useful me

Tafadzwa Gwashu on December 24, 2017:

i love your article! thank you

Min Thu Aung on December 21, 2017:

I scored 13%

Hii.. this is tamanna on December 04, 2017:

This article of yours is a very good one but I still need tips of what to do when we haven't started the preparations and when we start also we can not concentrate.

Tage kano on November 24, 2017:

Sir I haven't started my studies can't really concentrate and the Day left is about only 1 week what should i Do?

How to Study for Boards in 10 Days


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