Help with a cyrillic panel design? (Polyvoks)

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Help with a cyrillic panel design? (Polyvoks)

I'm trying to layout a polyvoks VCF panel for myself (in 5u) - and am (unsurprisingly) struggling with the cyrillic text on it.

But I love the way it (could) look - so I'd like to work it out!

Here's what I have so far:

Polyvoks - ПОЛÐËÅ"ВОКЧ
Fil'tr/Filter - ФÐËÅ"ЛЬТÐÂÂ

Min - мин
Max - макс

Then it gets murkier..

Cutoff? - ЧАСТОТА СРЕЗА <-- do those look right? Does that mean cutoff?
Rezonans/Resonance? - РЕЗОНАНС

So those are all on the polivoks itself. Hopefully I've gotten the characters right.

Then on an erika module I found there are a couple extra words - I'd love to know what they mean:
ФНЧ - FNč?
ПФ - PF?
ОÐâ€Å"ÐËÅ"БАЮЩАЯ - OgibaÃÆ'»ÅÃÆ'¢ <--could this mean modulator or controller or something?

And then found on harvestman
УНФ - UNF? - no idea what this one means
ФНЧ - FNč - again - this time with a symbol indicating LP
ПФ - PF - this time with a symbol indicating BP

Ultimately I'd like to find appropriate text for Input, and something appropriate for the CV input(s). And verify that ФНЧ and ПФ are reasonable for the LP and BP outputs.

On the schematic/pcb I'm working from (XPMTL's) the CV inputs are labelled FM and V/Oct. ... ks_vcf.pdf

Anyone have any pointers?

There's a high res polivoks panel image here: ... .front.jpg

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Post by papaZooZoo »

No problem for me and my bear :)


Модулятор - Modulator (LFO)
Частота - Frequency
Режим - Mode (Waveform)

Тлф. - Phones
Настройка - Tune
Ðâ€Å"лиссандо - Portamento
Ðâ€Å"ромкость - Volume
1 гол / 2 гол. - 1|2 Voice
Выход - Out

Ðâ€Å"енератор (Ðâ€Å"УН) - VCO
Диапазон - Feet
Форма - Waveform
Модуляция - Modulation
Расстройка - Detune

Микшер - Mixer
Ðâ€Å"енератор - VCO
Шум - Noise
Внешний - External

Фильтр (ФУН) - Filter
Атака - Attack
Затухание - Decay
Пьедестал - Sustain
Послезаучание - Release
Частота среза - Cutoff
Резонанс - Resonance
Модуляция - Modulation
Огибающая - Envelope
Режим генератора огибающей - Envelope mode
ПФ/ФНЧ - Filter mode (see graph)

Усилитель (УУН) - VCA
Атака - Attack
Затухание - Decay
Пьедестал - Sustain
Послезаучание - Release
Частота среза - Cutoff

Last edited by papaZooZoo on Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by trololoff »

Hello friends! Привет друзья! Let me just correct some typos in Russian here:
Пьедестал - Sustain => Пъедестал (letter Ъ - твердый знак вместо мягкого знака)
Послезаучание - Release => Послезвучание

Also - some translations for reference:
ПФ - полосовой фильтр (bandpass filter)
ФНЧ - фильтр низких частот (lowpass filter)
ФВЧ - фильтр высоких частот (highpass filter)
Ðâ€Å"УН - генератор управляемый напряжением (VCO)
УУН - усилитель управляемый напряжением (VCA)

papaZooZoo wrote:No problem for me and my bear :)

Модулятор - Modulator (LFO)
Частота - Frequency
Режим - Mode (Waveform)

Тлф. - Phones
Настройка - Tune
Ðâ€Å"лиссандо - Portamento
Ðâ€Å"ромкость - Volume
1 гол / 2 гол. - 1|2 Voice
Выход - Out

Ðâ€Å"енератор (Ðâ€Å"УН) - VCO
Диапазон - Feet
Форма - Waveform
Модуляция - Modulation
Расстройка - Detune

Микшер - Mixer
Ðâ€Å"енератор - VCO
Шум - Noise
Внешний - External

Фильтр (ФУН) - Filter
Атака - Attack
Затухание - Decay
Пьедестал - Sustain
Послезаучание - Release
Частота среза - Cutoff
Резонанс - Resonance
Модуляция - Modulation
Огибающая - Envelope
Режим генератора огибающей - Envelope mode
ПФ/ФНЧ - Filter mode (see graph)

Усилитель (Ðâ€Å"УН) - VCA
Атака - Attack
Затухание - Decay
Пьедестал - Sustain
Послезаучание - Release
Частота среза - Cutoff

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Post by Kent »

The Muffwiggler Massive is LARGE!

Thanks, guys. :tu:

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Post by papaZooZoo »

Сорри коллега, по классическим правилам русского языка, именно по тем, когда кофе был еще мужского рода, слово пьедестал пишется с мягким знаком :whistle:

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Post by bananeurysm »

RAD. Thanks guys!!! So cool.

Ok so ОÐâ€Å"ÐËÅ"БАЮЩАЯ is envelope. (Google translate had said "round")

Hmm.. I'm still wondering what labels I should use for the CV inputs.

Maybe Модуляция - (Modulation) would work...

Could someone recommend something appropriate? How would you say Voltage Control? or V/Oct? Or FM?

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Post by trololoff »

Oops, my bad, I stand corrected - пьедестал is definitely the right spelling :-)

Спасибо, товарищ!

papaZooZoo wrote:Сорри коллега, по классическим правилам русского языка, именно по тем, когда кофе был еще мужского рода, слово пьедестал пишется с мягким знаком :whistle:

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Post by trololoff »

The closest to Voltage Control is управляющее напряжение.

If you translate the V/Oct label literally it is probably В/Окт? Вольт на октаву.

bananeurysm wrote:RAD. Thanks guys!!! So cool.

Ok so ОÐâ€Å"ÐËÅ"БАЮЩАЯ is envelope. (Google translate had said "round")

Hmm.. I'm still wondering what labels I should use for the CV inputs.

Maybe Модуляция - (Modulation) would work...

Could someone recommend something appropriate? How would you say Voltage Control? or V/Oct? Or FM?

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Post by Paradigm X »

id be up for a 5u (motm) panel for this if/when you finish, i was thinking of the same (russian text).

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Post by bananeurysm »

Paradigm X wrote:id be up for a 5u (motm) panel for this if/when you finish, i was thinking of the same (russian text).

I'm just making a single MU panel for myself. I just buy blanks and etch them with a laser cutter. Ends up looking pretty good! Image

But it's not something I can really offer as a service, or make multiples of.

I'd be happy to post my design files here when it's done though!

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Post by Paradigm X »

Aah, ok, sorry, no worries. panels look great, i was assuming you used FPE designer.

Nice one, look really good!

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Post by szabomate »

my polivoks vcf panel version

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Post by ilya.n »

"Release" would be "ПОСЛЕЗВУЧАНÐËÅ"Е" (upper case) or "послезвучание" (lower case), not "ПОСЛЕЗАУЧАНÐËÅ"Е" (note the "B" for "A" swap). On the the synth above it has been abbreviated to "ПОСЛЕЗВУЧ."

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Post by bananeurysm »

this is a real bummer - this thread was SUPER useful.

Anyone happen to have an archive before the encoding got messed up?

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Post by papaZooZoo »

You can ask me about any translation
Russian language I know much better than English (my bear will help in a pinch)

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Post by xnor »

I copied the text as well as I could off szabomate's panel:
and then google translated. Can someone check my work?

поливокс -- Polyvox
фильтр ижних частот --- izhin filter frequency [initial? is that correct]
вход -- entrance [input?]
пф -- pf [band pass?]
частота -- frequency
фнч -- low pass
резонанс -- resonance
модуляция -- modulation

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Post by funkyjunky »

xnor wrote:I copied the text as well as I could off szabomate's panel:
and then google translated. Can someone check my work?

поливокс -- Polyvox
фильтр ижних частот --- izhin filter frequency [initial? is that correct]
вход -- entrance [input?]
пф -- pf [band pass?]
частота -- frequency
фнч -- low pass
резонанс -- resonance
модуляция -- modulation

you have some mistakes:
фильтр н ижних частот - you're right, missed first letter - Nizhnih
вход - means input, not entrance

Low Pass — ФНЧ
Band Pass — ПФ


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Post by xnor »

thanks funkyjunky

here's the updated mapping:

поливокс -- Polyvox
фильтр нижних частот --- low pass filter
вход -- input
ПФ -- band pass
частота -- frequency
ФНЧ -- low pass
резонанс -- resonance
модуляция -- modulation

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Post by bananeurysm »

ok and среза = cutoff right?

What might микшез be on the harvestman panel?

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Post by xnor »

Here's my 4U panel so far. I built this PCB:

Sounds killer.

I'll laser cut it in wood so the blue doesn't make a difference, its just how I indicate to myself that I've modified the stroke.

I wanted to credit Kuzmin, how would I type his name in Cyrillic?

The hole between the LP and BP is for a 'limit' switch. I'm not sure I really have space to label that, any suggestions for text for that if so?


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Post by L-1 »

ok and среза = cutoff right?

What might микшез be on the harvestman panel?

частота среза = cutoff (cutoff frequency if word-for-word)

микшер = mixer

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Post by bananeurysm »

Sweet! Thanks folks!

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Post by mangros »

I guess this is probably the right place to ask - would anyone in the suitable areas of the world be up for selling a Dymo-style tape embosser with Cyrillic characters?

I'm looking at mounting my Erica Polivoks clone behind a laboratory style panel and some Russian embossed tape would be the perfect touch.

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Post by xnor »

Is Kuzmin's correctly written as: КУЗЬМИН ?